
Testimonials Images

Aindrila Ukil

Customer Support Representative

I have been working at MB Services for the last three months as a customer service representative and have interacted with people from countries all around the world on a daily basis. Although our languages, traditions and culture are different, at work we share one culture, that is of mutual respect and it is small things like this that make all the difference and inspire me to come to the office everyday with renewed energy and passion.

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Ajwa Rafi

Team Lead

For over the years, MB Services has been my home away from home, where I started off as a customer service representative and am now leading my very own team. Interacting with global clients, constant learning and innovating, and further developing and polishing my skills in this industry has been my pride and joy.

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M Omer Shaheedi

Team Lead

I first began working at MB Services in 2021. The attitude of the MB Services staff was something that stuck out to me almost immediately. Team members exhibit a strong sense of responsibility, maintain open lines of communication, and are always willing to help. A typical day at MB Services is never really typical, there are always exciting new ways to innovate and new milestones to achieve.